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Exhibition by James Vinciguerra

A dynamic collection of colourful and lively prints and drawings by James Vinciguerra will be showing at the O3 Gallery this November.

Vinciguerra’s work, which features architectural landscapes of Oxford, Cornwall and London, amongst other locations, is created using a combination of traditional and new techniques. His process is initiated by drawing his subject in a variety of mediums, This could include mono-printing, studies in charcoal or colour pencil and collage. Viciguerra then scans the desired image into a computer and paints it digitally using the mouse as a tool in the same way that he might use a pencil or bruch, literally drawing with the mouse. The resulting painting is a luminous merging of hand drawn and digital paint. The final process, to make the ephemeral painting on the computer real, is to produce prints of the image. Each print is an original in much the same way as silk screen prints, for there is no ‘original’ painting.

Vinciguerra’s goal is to site the image of a landscape in a magical place which sits between the real and the fantastic. “The world through my eyes tends to want to be exaggerated, yanked, twisted. My method of drawing fast and aggressively has the desired effect of creating movement and verve.”

James was born in Leamington Spa in 1973 and grew up in Norton Lindsey, near Warwick. He graduated in 1996 with BA/Hons in Illustration from Anglia University. Although Vinciguerra’s main subjects are architectural he also creates human portraits and figure studies.