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In My View by Sarah Howard

‘In my View’- An exhibition of striking and evocative photography comes to the O3 Gallery.

The O3 Gallery in Oxford welcomes an exhibition of stunning photographic images by local landscape and travel photographer Sarah Howard.

Following on from Sarah’s highly successful solo exhibition at the Mill Arts Centre in Banbury late last year, “In My View”, a month long show, previews at the Oxford Castle complex on June 6th and is set to inspire fellow photographers, artists and lovers of the landscape.

Since developing her interest in photography whilst traveling overseas, it has become an ever strengthening passion for Sarah who now devotes much of her time to creating her inspirational and evocative images.

Sarah, whose much awaited first book; a photographic celebration of Westonbirt Arboretum, due to be published later this year, is delighted to have been invited by O3 to exhibit her work. Says Sarah; “Having the opportunity to exhibit is fantastic in that it brings your work to a wider audience. It’s great that we are now seeing more and more exhibitions of photography, thereby reinforcing its position as a recognised and very valid art form”. “As a creative tool the camera has allowed me to express my love of our landscape and reveal its many facets” says Sarah, “What is simply often seen as an instrument to record images can in fact allow the individual great opportunity for creative expression.

Sarah has developed a distinctive style which captivates and draws the viewer into her images. Her work has received much acclaim from many respected landscape photographers, one of whom; Charlie Waite, will be present for the preview on June 5th. Speaking highly of her images he comments; (quote)“Sarah’s photography asks more of the viewer than ‘just to look’. It stretches the imagination and demands that the onlooker is no longer a mere observer to a scene but is given no choice but to enter into the heart of the image to discover, and be elevated by what they find there”.

Sophie Egleton, gallery manager and curator at O3, comments “We are very happy to be showing a collection of work by Sarah Howard. Her images are evocative and captivating expressions and will look stunning mounted on the old prison walls of the O3 Gallery.”

Says Sarah; “for me, photography is all about creating an emotive response. I like to enable the viewer to step inside my images. If I can whisk them away, if only for a moment, then I feel I have succeeded in creating a good photograph”.

‘In My View’ will be showing at The O3 Gallery from the 6th June until 5th July. There will be a preview on June 5th from 6-8pm to which all are welcome. The Gallery is open Tuesday – Friday from 12pm – 5pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 11am – 4pm. Admission is free of charge.