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Bath Spa Porthleven Prize

The Bath Spa Porthleven prize is founded by the Trevor Osborne Charitable Trust in association with Bath Spa University and aims to give students the opportunity to gain professional artistic experience and promote their own work and practice to galleries and prospective clients.

This prize is an opportunity for five Bath Spa University students to take part in a fully-funded ten day residency based in Porthleven Lifeboat Art Studio. Whilst there, the students work together to produce a body of collaborative work in any discipline including performance and text, as well as visual art. On completion of the residency, the student work is exhibited at the O3 Gallery in a group exhibition.

โ€œThis is such an invaluable experience for the students. Interdisciplinary collaborative practice is so important to artists working today and we see a fine example of what exciting results can be created through the work of these students. Although all from arts backgrounds, they each introduce their own diverse working processes and media to the group.โ€

Helen Statham, Director of the O3 Gallery.