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Artists & Illustrators: Artist

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Artists & Illustrators: Artist of the Year 2009
Artists & Illustrators is the best-selling magazine for professional artists and aspiring amateurs. For more than 20 years, the magazine has provided inspiration and practical advice to its readers. Artists & Illustratorsโ€™ annual search for their Artist of the Year is one of the most prestigious open art competitions in the UK and we are pleased to announce it will be brought to you in association with the O3 Gallery.

This exhibition will display the winning entries and runners up in three categories: Still Life, Landscapes and Portraits. The overall winner of this years competition was That Certain Smile, an oil on canvas portrait of original composition by Alan Stratford. Portraits: Winner: Alan Stratford. Runners Up: Sam Walker, Edward Ofuso. Landscapes: Winner: Derek Dohren. Runners Up: Maggie Tredwell, Janette Summerfield. Still Life: Winner: David Mitchell. Runners Up: Anthony S Jones, Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco.

2009 Judges: Paul Dobson (MD โ€“ The Chelsea Magazine Company), Lyn Parr (Editor โ€“ Artists & Illustrators), Steve Pill (Deputy Editor โ€“ Artists & Illustrators), Craig Wylie (Artist โ€“ 2008 BP Portrait Prize Winner), Sophie Egleton (O3 Gallery Manager).

Download a pdf portfolio to accompany the exhibition

Oxford Castle Art
Alongside this national competition, selected entries from our May Bank Holiday weekend Castle Art competition will be shown in the O3 Gallery. Local artists, amateur and professional were invited to draw/paint/photograph the Oxford Castle complex in our annual competition. The winning image was a photograph by the Mannish Trousers Collaborative, created by a pin hole camera in the form of a suitcase and developed on site in a temporary dark room.

The exhibition will form part of Oxford Open Doors, 12-13 Sept 2009,ย

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